Designer • Art Director • Strategist

Harris Ranch / website

Website Redesign
 Art Director • UX/IA Designer • Photoshoot Art Direction • Content Strategist
AGENCY: the Hilt

 // Harris Ranch is a community development that embraces New Urbanist ideals and is committed to conservation. They have a vision to bring people together through strategic urban planning over the span of many years, and keep them close to nature. One challenge with the website was how to show developers that building in Harris Ranch is a great business opportunity. It needed to demonstrate Harris Ranch's vision and also offer functionality to promote housing sales. Another challenge was to create an online resource for the community residents. What we developed was a site that brings their story to life through brand messaging and custom photography that reflects the beauty and showcases the the most exciting area to live in Boise. This new website serves as resource for prospective home-buyers, current residents, and is also a tool for developers looking to invest here.
